The Ornate Lorikeet (Saudareos ornatus) is found in forest, woodland, mangrove and plantation areas of the Sulawesi archipelago, where it is endemic. It was formerly placed in genus Trichoglossus. The genus Saudareos was introduced in 2020 for a clade of lorikeets that form a sister clade to Eos. The genus name combines the Indonesian language “saudara” meaning “sister” with the genus name Eos. The Ornate Lorikeet is a a striking, brightly-coloured long-tailed parrot confined to Sulawesi and satellite islands and is about 25 cm in length. It usually gathers in pairs or in small flocks and feed upon flower blossoms, nectar, pollen, fruit and some greens; insects may be taken as well.
Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Nectar, pollen, flowers, fruits
10 to 12 years
12 to 15 years
Least Concern
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