Our Breeds/ Macaws
Our Breeds/ Macaws

Catalina Macaw

About Catalina Macaw

The Catalina Macaw is a first generation hybrid between the Blue-and-Gold Macaw and Scarlet Macaw. As Catalina Macaws are hybrids, they do not have a true scientific name. The best way to represent these birds in taxonomy is by the expression Ara ararauna × Ara macao. Most of these birds are primarily red or deep orange on their chests and bellies. Some have brilliant red-orange heads while others have a gorgeous blue-green crown. They tend to have green and blue feathers running down their backs and long tails. Many of them have gold feathers edging their wings and their tails.

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Primary Diet

Seeds and nuts

Life span - wild


Life span - captivity

60 to 70 years

Conservation status


Pet potential



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